日本語吹替付 レッグロックテクニック with ゴコール・チヴィチエン DVD5枚組【ノーギ、グラップリングの足関節(Leg Lock)教則】 Budovideos
DVD 1: レッグロックの基礎とレッグロックに至る投げ
DVD 2: オープンガードレッグロック
DVD 3: あらゆる局面からのレッグロックその1
DVD 4: あらゆる局面からのレッグロックその2
DVD 3からの続きで、ゴコールは、袈裟固め、亀、バック、マウントからの脚への攻撃を示しています。これらの脚の極めを習得すれば、相手は身の安全を心配するでしょう。
DVD 5: レッグロックからの脱出と反撃
ゴコールはアルメニア生まれで、5歳の時にグラップリングのトレーニングを始めました。レスリング、柔道、サンボを数十年経験しており、ゴコールには、信頼すべき豊富な経験があります。彼は、1991年からハヤスタン総合格闘技アカデミー(Hayastan MMA Academy)で世界レベルの柔道家や総合格闘家をトレーニングしてきており、極めのグラップリングを常に刷新、改良、洗練しているところなのです。
●商品名:Leglock Encyclopedia 5 DVD Set with Gokor Chivichyan(DVD)
Gokor Chivichyan, leglock master and MMA instructor teaches you an "encylopedia" of leglocks in this mammoth DVD Set. Contents include:
DVD 1: Leglock Basics and Throws to Leglocks
Gokor starts things off with showing you the proper hand position for ankle locks, heel hooks, kneebars, and toeholds. His attention to detail will help you tighten up your leg attacks and increase your confidence. Next, Gokor shows you 6 incredible throws that put you in the position to finish your opponent with a leglock as soon as he hits the floor!
DVD 2: Open Guard Leglocks
After mastering these leglocks, your opponent will fear getting you in his open guard. Ankle locks, heel hooks, toeholds, kneebars, and knee compressions are all shown in detail. You won't view the open guard the same after learning all of the attacks at your disposal.
DVD 3: Leglocks from Everywhere 1
In this DVD, Gokor shows you why your opponent's legs are an easy target in any position - whether you're in the half guard, butterfly guard, knee on belly, or side control, his legs are there for you to attack.
DVD 4: Leglocks from Everywhere 2
Continuing on from the last DVD, Gokor shows leg attacks from kesagatame, the turtle, the back, and the mount. Your opponent will fear for his safety after you learn these leg submissions.
DVD 5: Leglock Escapes & Counters
No one in the world knows more leg attacks than Gokor. Accordingly, no one knows the best - and more importantly - SAFEST way to escape. Don't get hurt trying to escape the wrong way from a heel hook. And better yet, learn how to counter your opponent's leg attacks with a counter of your own!
About Gokor Chivichyan
Gokor was born in Armenia and started training in the grappling arts since the age of 5. With decades of experience in wrestling, judo, and sambo, Gokor is a wealth of experience to rely on. He's been training world class Judoka and MMA fighters at the Hayastan MMA Academy since 1991 and is always innovating, improving, and refining the art of submission grappling.
Languages: English, German, Japanese
Run time: 228 min. on 5 DVDs
・BJJ CHANNEL SHOP(予約制の実店舗)と連動していますので、在庫がない場合はお取り寄せ(3~4週間)又は速やかにキャンセル(お振込の場合は返金致します。)
DVD 1: レッグロックの基礎とレッグロックに至る投げ
DVD 2: オープンガードレッグロック
DVD 3: あらゆる局面からのレッグロックその1
DVD 4: あらゆる局面からのレッグロックその2
DVD 3からの続きで、ゴコールは、袈裟固め、亀、バック、マウントからの脚への攻撃を示しています。これらの脚の極めを習得すれば、相手は身の安全を心配するでしょう。
DVD 5: レッグロックからの脱出と反撃
ゴコールはアルメニア生まれで、5歳の時にグラップリングのトレーニングを始めました。レスリング、柔道、サンボを数十年経験しており、ゴコールには、信頼すべき豊富な経験があります。彼は、1991年からハヤスタン総合格闘技アカデミー(Hayastan MMA Academy)で世界レベルの柔道家や総合格闘家をトレーニングしてきており、極めのグラップリングを常に刷新、改良、洗練しているところなのです。
●商品名:Leglock Encyclopedia 5 DVD Set with Gokor Chivichyan(DVD)
Gokor Chivichyan, leglock master and MMA instructor teaches you an "encylopedia" of leglocks in this mammoth DVD Set. Contents include:
DVD 1: Leglock Basics and Throws to Leglocks
Gokor starts things off with showing you the proper hand position for ankle locks, heel hooks, kneebars, and toeholds. His attention to detail will help you tighten up your leg attacks and increase your confidence. Next, Gokor shows you 6 incredible throws that put you in the position to finish your opponent with a leglock as soon as he hits the floor!
DVD 2: Open Guard Leglocks
After mastering these leglocks, your opponent will fear getting you in his open guard. Ankle locks, heel hooks, toeholds, kneebars, and knee compressions are all shown in detail. You won't view the open guard the same after learning all of the attacks at your disposal.
DVD 3: Leglocks from Everywhere 1
In this DVD, Gokor shows you why your opponent's legs are an easy target in any position - whether you're in the half guard, butterfly guard, knee on belly, or side control, his legs are there for you to attack.
DVD 4: Leglocks from Everywhere 2
Continuing on from the last DVD, Gokor shows leg attacks from kesagatame, the turtle, the back, and the mount. Your opponent will fear for his safety after you learn these leg submissions.
DVD 5: Leglock Escapes & Counters
No one in the world knows more leg attacks than Gokor. Accordingly, no one knows the best - and more importantly - SAFEST way to escape. Don't get hurt trying to escape the wrong way from a heel hook. And better yet, learn how to counter your opponent's leg attacks with a counter of your own!
About Gokor Chivichyan
Gokor was born in Armenia and started training in the grappling arts since the age of 5. With decades of experience in wrestling, judo, and sambo, Gokor is a wealth of experience to rely on. He's been training world class Judoka and MMA fighters at the Hayastan MMA Academy since 1991 and is always innovating, improving, and refining the art of submission grappling.
Languages: English, German, Japanese
Run time: 228 min. on 5 DVDs
・BJJ CHANNEL SHOP(予約制の実店舗)と連動していますので、在庫がない場合はお取り寄せ(3~4週間)又は速やかにキャンセル(お振込の場合は返金致します。)
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