
ジャン・ジャック・マチャド ザ・グラップラーズハンドブック DVD3枚組 ブラジリアン柔術教則

ジャン・ジャック・マチャド  ザ・グラップラーズハンドブック DVD3枚組 ブラジリアン柔術教則



The Grappler's Handbook DVD

<Attacking from the Guard (Gi)>
Closed Guard to Back Control
Gi Choke Using Sleeve Control
Omo Plata Reversal When Opponent Posts One Leg
Open Guard Reversal to Back Control
Open Guard Reversal to Side Control
Sitting Guard Reversal to Side Control with Variation

<Attacking from the Guard(No Gi)>
Guard Pass Defense to Brabo Choke
Arm Drag to Back Control to Rear Naked Choke
Bicep Crunch from Closed Guard
Leg-Assisted Head and Arm Choke
Progressive Attacks from Leg-on-Shoulder Closed Guard
Trap with Arm and Leg to Omo Plata with Variation
Cross-Arm Trap to Triangle Choke

<Passing the Guard (Gi)>
Defending the Arm Drag
Defending the Arm Drag to Back Control
Double-Underhook Pass to Crucifix
Passing the Butterfly Guard
Passing the Spider Guard Using a Hip Roll
Trapping the Arm
Passing the Open Guard

<Passing the Guard (No Gi)>
Leg Sweep Butterfly Guard Pass
Roling Calf Crunch
Hip Block to Arm Lock
Passing the Butterfly Guard
Single-Leg Pin Open-Guard Pass
Single-Leg Pin Open-Guard Pass with Head Control
Single Closed-Guard Break and Pass

<Attacks from the Top (Gi)>
Armbar from Side Control
Side Control to Knee on Stomach to Arm Lock
Side Control to Kenn-Leveraged Choke
Side Control to Escape Counter to Armbar
Side Control to Mount to Choke/Arm Lock
Ezekiel Choke from Back Control
Tripod Choke
Clock Choke to Arm Lock to Crucifix
Scarf Hold to Mount to Arm Lock
Scarf Hold to Mount to Arm Lock Variation
Side Control to Knee on Stomach to Inverted Arm Lock
Side Control to Kneebar

<Attacks from the Top (No Gi)>
Side Control to North-South Choke
Side Control to Brabo Choke
Turtle Top to Back Control to Rear-Naked Choke
Side Control to Near-Side Arm Lock
Anaconda Choke from Turtle Top
Arm Trap to Armbar to Triangle Choke
Turtle Top to Calf Slicer
Side Control to Armbar
Side Control to Far-Side Arm Lock
Turtle Top Straight to Rear-Naked Choke
Side Control to Choke
Side Control to Head/Arm Choke

<Takedowns (Gi)>
Single-Leg Takedown No.1
Single-Leg Takedown No.2
Double-Leg Takedown

<Takedowns (No Gi)>
Arm Drag to Single Leg Takedown
Sit-Out o Single Leg Takedown

<The Art of Pulling Gurad (Gi)>
Foot on Hip to Open Guard
Jumping to Closed Guard
Pulling Half Guard

<The Art of Pulling Gurad (No Gi)>
Butterfly Guard
Side Step to Half Guard

<Mixed Martial Arts>
Armbar from Mount Position No.1
Armbar from Mount Position No.2
Arm Trap to Shoulder Lock to Strikes
Arm Triangle from Half-Guard
Reversal from Closed Guard
Shoulder Lock from Inside Closed Guard
Shoulder Lock from Mount Position
Standing Guard Break with Pass
Triangle Choke from Open Guard




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